Tithing Under The Order of Melchizedek - The Benefits Of Tithing!
There are benefits associated with tithing as mentioned in the book of Malachi. At least about 8 benefits that encompass all that a person is about, and all that a person may need on earth.
Before we talk about the benefits of tithing, however, it is important to highlight that God ensures people tithe in one way or the other. The one way is to comply with the set rules of tithing and the other will be to do it through cohesion.
As mentioned before, a tithe is a form of tax that runs the kingdom of God, as such, there are spiritual angelic law enforcers that ensure the principle of tithing is exercised one way or the other. Should one choose not to pay their tithe, the devourer mentioned in Malachi will not be rebuked by the Creator, the windows of heaven will not open to pour out a blessing meaning a person will toil on earth and the fields will cast their vine before time, that means people will experience abortion and never fulfil their tasks on earth.
In summary, the reverse will happen.
In practical life, God’s spiritual tithing angelic law enforcers will leave a person experiencing the devourer for not tithing, always in sickness, losing money and properties, entering bad deals and the list is endless. It follows that not tithing is actually more expensive than tithing. God says non-tithers are robbers according to Malachi.
And the way robbers and thieves pay back in His law is double, sometimes sevenfold and sometimes with their lives and sometimes with all as echoed in the book of Exodus chapter 22 and section 7 and Deuteronomy chapter 24 section 7.
It’s more expensive to be a non-tither!
Choose to be a tither today!
Tithing Under The Order of Melchizedek - The Benefits Of Tithing! |
1. God said he will open the windows of heaven. Tithing opens the heavens above an individual. The bible mentions the existence of an iron and brass heaven above other people such that prayers do not go through neither does blessings locate them. You need your heavens to be opened over you today and tithing has the power to do it. (Leviticus chapter 26 section 19, Deuteronomy chapter 28 section 23)
2. God said He would pour out a blessing over a tither. The Bible mentions that it is the blessing of the Lord that makes a person rich and adds no sorrow with it. Many people that have become rich using wicked means have never found peace with it. The enemy keeps making demands on them to keep sacrificing more for their wealth and they continue to acquire more at the expense of their peace and joy. Tithing, however, has the power to make someone rich and continue to be rich but yet stay in peace. (Proverbs Chapter 10 section 27)
3. God promised to overtake people with blessing such that there would be no room enough to receive it. The true blessing of God is seen if what one has is beyond what He or she needs. The true blessing of God is seen if what one has is more than enough for them and they can share with people around them and beyond. Tithing causes the blessing of God to overtake one. It causes one to have more than enough. The book of Luke chapter 16 and section 11 mentions referring to money that if one is not faithful with the unrighteous mammon, who can entrust to them true riches. True riches are when your wealth lives beyond you and you can leave it to generations unborn to time and tithes gives this to people. (Proverbs chapter 13 and section 22)
4. God said He would also rebuke the devourer on behalf of people. A good example of the operation of the devourer who is also known as the destroyer is when the angel of death passed through and destroyed the firstborn children of the Egyptians in the book of Exodus chapter 12. After the children of Israel had given an offering that represented Christ who is the first and the tithe of God, God said in verse 23 that He would not suffer the destroyer to come into their houses and smite them. God delivers the tither from the destroyer. Be it incurable diseases that may invade a nation, inflation on their resources, destruction of hope on careers, and the list is endless. But it is the benefit of a tither to be delivered from the destroyer.
5. God will also cause the devourer not to destroy the fruit of their ground. A tither’s life is always restored like the book of Joel chapter 2 section 25 mentions. The years that the locust, the cankerworm, the caterpillar and the palmerworm has eaten from your life are restored. God will cause one’s life to be profitable.
6. God will cause the vine not to cast her fruit before the time in the field. God will deliver from abortion. Your dreams will not be aborted. Your effort will not be in vain. What you start will be completed if you are a tither.
7. The Creator will cause other nations and peoples to call all those who are obedient to tithing blessed. This speaks of recognition, weight and honour. God will give a tither stature and visibility. God will give a tither impact and ability to excel beyond peers.
8. God will also cause them to become a delightsome land. A tither’s life is a life of liberty and joy from within. The atmosphere around one will be refreshing. All the spiritual and physical garbage in one’s life will be dealt with through tithing. Leviticus chapter 25 section 10.
With all the mentioned blessing, the Lord says “Try me on this”. This is the only time one is allowed to try God, in giving their tithes because God is sure to keep His word and to fulfil it.
Kingdom Tips with Pastor Lauda L Vongai
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